Sets the value of the given configuration option. Returns the old value on success, false on failure.
Not all the available options can be changed using ini_set(). Below is a table with a list of all PHP options (as of PHP 4.0.5-dev), indicating which ones can be changed/set and at what level.
Table 1. Configuration options
Name | Default | Changeable |
define_syslog_variables | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | | HL_BG_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.comment | HL_COMMENT_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.default | HL_DEFAULT_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.html | HL_HTML_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.keyword | HL_KEYWORD_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.string | HL_STRING_COLOR | PHP_INI_ALL |
allow_call_time_pass_reference | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR |
asp_tags | "0" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR |
display_errors | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
display_startup_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
enable_dl | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
error_append_string | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
error_prepend_string | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
expose_php | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
html_errors | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
ignore_user_abort | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
implicit_flush | "0" | PHP_INI_PERDIR|PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
log_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
magic_quotes_gpc | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
magic_quotes_runtime | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
magic_quotes_sybase | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
output_buffering | "0" | PHP_INI_PERDIR|PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
register_argc_argv | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
register_globals | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
safe_mode | "0" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
short_open_tag | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR |
sql.safe_mode | "0" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
track_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
y2k_compliance | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
arg_separator | "&" | PHP_INI_ALL |
auto_append_file | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
auto_prepend_file | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
doc_root | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
default_charset | SAPI_DEFAULT_CHARSET | PHP_INI_ALL |
default_mimetype | SAPI_DEFAULT_MIMETYPE | PHP_INI_ALL |
error_log | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
gpc_order | "GPC" | PHP_INI_ALL |
include_path | PHP_INCLUDE_PATH | PHP_INI_ALL |
max_execution_time | "30" | PHP_INI_ALL |
open_basedir | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
safe_mode_exec_dir | "1" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
upload_max_filesize | "2M" | PHP_INI_ALL |
file_uploads | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
post_max_size | "8M" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
upload_tmp_dir | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
user_dir | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
variables_order | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
SMTP | "localhost" | PHP_INI_ALL |
browscap | NULL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
error_reporting | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
memory_limit | "8M" | PHP_INI_ALL |
precision | "14" | PHP_INI_ALL |
sendmail_from | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL |
disable_functions | "" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
allow_url_fopen | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL |
Table 2. Definition of PHP_INI_* constants
Constant | Value | Meaning |
PHP_INI_USER | 1 | Entry can be set in user scripts |
PHP_INI_PERDIR | 2 | Entry can be set in .htaccess |
PHP_INI_SYSTEM | 4 | Entry can be set in php.ini or httpd.conf |
PHP_INI_ALL | 7 | Entry can be set anywhere |
See also ini_alter(), ini_get(), ini_restore()