(PHP 3>= 3.0.7, PHP 4 )
OCIDefineByName --
Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT
int OCIDefineByName
(int stmt, string Column-Name, mixed variable [, int type])
OCIDefineByName() uses fetches SQL-Columns
into user-defined PHP-Variables. Be careful that Oracle user
ALL-UPPERCASE column-names, whereby in your select you can also
write lower-case. OCIDefineByName() expects
the Column-Name to be in uppercase. If you
define a variable that doesn't exists in you select statement, no
error will be given!
If you need to define an abstract Datatype (LOB/ROWID/BFILE) you
need to allocate it first using
OCINewDescriptor() function. See also the
OCIBindByName() function.
Example 1. OCIDefineByName
/* OCIDefineByPos example [email protected] (980219) */
$conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger");
$stmt = OCIParse($conn,"select empno, ename from emp");
/* the define MUST be done BEFORE ociexecute! */
while (OCIFetch($stmt)) {
echo "empno:".$empno."\n";
echo "ename:".$ename."\n";