Chapter 24. PEAR Coding Standards

Table of Contents
Control Structures
Function Calls
Function Definitions
Including Code
PHP Code Tags
Header Comment Blocks
CVS Tags
Example URLs
Naming Constants

Note: The PEAR Coding Standards applies to code that is to become a part of PEAR, either distributed with PHP or available for download via PEAR's install tool.


Use an indent of 4 spaces, with no tabs. If you use Emacs to edit PEAR code, you should set indent-tabs-mode to nil. Here is an example mode hook that will set up Emacs according to these guidelines (you will need to ensure that it is called when you are editing php files):

(defun php-mode-hook ()
  (setq tab-width 4
        c-basic-offset 4
        c-hanging-comment-ender-p nil
	 (and (string-match "/\\(PEAR\\|pear\\)/" (buffer-file-name))
	      (string-match "\.php$" (buffer-file-name))))))

Here are vim rules for the same thing:

  set expandtab 
  set shiftwidth=4 
  set tabstop=4